plastic recycling in mumbai -

Plastic Recycling
Certain innovations in the journey of civilization have created the epitome of success. Plastic may be considered in this. A material, that can be used universally for several purposes, without any decay or decomposition for several years.

This landmark innovation has been working as a blessing as well as a curse for the environment from its introductory years. We are benefitted from using plastics in numerous ways. But the problem lies with the fate of used plastics. As those are not perishable, a huge mass of used plastics has already crossed the limit of safety for the environment.

At Ecostar, we have a mission for creating an environment-friendly world, where protection for the environment, is not a necessity. Therefore, it has been assigned for us to recycle plastics, invariably. For this, we have taken certain basic steps for the sake of a sustainable environment.

Plastic Recycling is nothing but a reprocessing of waste plastic materials for producing new products.

Study shows, the production of plastics dates back to 20th century till date, 6.3 billion tons of plastic waste materials were produced. Since it is a non bio degradable product, accumulated plastic waste has taken a huge toll on the environment.

Eco Star assures storage of e waste as E Waste Management and Handling rules. We assure that sites for storage (including temporary storage) of E waste prior to their treatment will have impermeable surface for appropriate areas with the provision of spillage collection facilities. Furthermore, we take care that plastic recycling in mumbai sites for storage (including temporary storage) of E waste prior to their treatment should have weatherproof covering for appropriate area.

Plastic Recycling is not a new project. Scientists driven by the purpose of saving the environment, have commenced recycling plastics. But the problem is larger than the solution. Statistics regarding plastic recycling have marked that –

9% of waste plastic has been recycled to date
1% has been recycled more than once.
12% was incinerated and
79% disposed of to landfill or the environment including the sea.
At Ecostar, we entail our services with a consistent and disciplined orientation. It includes reprocessing of plastics and plastic wastes through an organized process

This is the prime factor for plastic recycling. Wastes that are finally recyclable are sorted by groups and each one of them is separated for final disposition.

This is the major step followed by us. In this way, plastic wastes are melted and formed into various new products that suit customers’ specifications.

The process of melting plastic waste includes certain chemical hazards that require another process that is complicated and expensive. Failures in the process make the material with inconsistent properties. Its industrial purposes are lost.

There is an alternative approach known as feedstock recycling.

Waste plastic is rejuvenated back into its original chemicals
Fresh plastics can be reprocessed after that.
Burning of waste plastic materials may be considered an alternative to fossil fuel.
We offer the scopes of recycling but the costs involved are high.

Our comprehensive approach to plastic recycling has covered the necessity as well as all the possibilities of this process.

We are confident that our services will

reduce dependence on landfill,
conserve resources and
protect the environment from plastic pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
Our promise is our attribute. We promise to bring a new era in recycling plastics to save the environment.

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